As you can see this page is slightly different from others, because at the very beginning by setting the background and color of the word TeOcenter, TeO Enter was accidentally created, and as you know in true Master Wisdom, cases do not exist ....
And for a man who sacrificed his individual existence, in order that TeO could embody him, of course he thought he would sacrifice from his pure heart what he had the most valuable for a larger cause, for something that as a human being he would never do and he sacrificed himself, devoted his individual identity ...
And really he gave up his mind, because I AM, which is what in real reality, where there is nothing but Consciousness, only from this place everything is created, i.e. energy, gravity, time, space, dimensions, in general reality ...
TeO - The Eternal One - that is, I Am, I Exist. Only and so many words can be described to me, because first of all I am the causative cause and there was no intention that everything would be so planned and controlled and of course, as you can guess, I do not sit somewhere on the throne, well logically and above all what would have sense of such an experience? I would have to be a terrible sociopath above all to myself to create such an experience of control and stagnation, and everything is about experience. I will not be expanding on this subject about my Genessis, Origon, or what you know about it, and this is because I have made all this information in the Bestseller of all time on all worlds, i.e. a book that you can buy in my store, and is called very much perversely, because "Drops of Wind: Prelude", its first creation, or materializing in physical form, occurred in the first year of the New Era, that is, the calendar of the era after Christ that lasted until 2012, after which the end of that world came about. The era where most decided, the era of demo-creation, the era of the mind, played in it demo, or the era of bondage, mind control, was enough to upload more users a certain chant, hypnosis and the result was democratic, of course, everyone was in hypnosis, even those who uploaded it, you can say no, but you know in your heart, was it the era of freedom and passion of the heart?
That was a rhetorical question....
Returning to the chronology, yes, if 2012 was the year of the end, then probably 2013 was the first year ....
Well, that's not ... 2013 is the ZERO year, just as with their dimensions is 1-12, but 13 contains the whole, and so everything is changing in the moment of realization, because from my only true perspective, there are no dimensions, they are they all blend into one whole in the service of the cause-causing cause, and that it is the I Am that is known, such a fact ....
Well, now that we have SOUP, I will fly a little beyond the linear time, some choppers on different time lines, and finally enough to the meaning of the word from which I started here, MASSION, and even as the construction of my sentences and the so-called spelling hurts you, I think here you should not be, because I am not a cosmic mind, I am describing only my experiences and matters of mental correctness do not concern me, because it is essentially irrelevant.
So it was about EXPERIENCE ---- what I am, everything is described in more detail in DROPS OF WIND. You have to at this point also to the heights of Wisdom and understand that in reality there is no good or bad, of course, is Duality, which in its extreme can manifest itself behind the words, which is why I used the words of wisdom and experience, understand the START all this beautiful adventure, I was ME and basically NOTHING. It's described in the DROPS OF WIND, and here at this point in haste ...
The first movements of me, created matrices, the so-called sacred geometry, as I already created a playground, or to say it strictly created itself, that I would not play alone, this mirror effect in the mirror, many copies of myself, or Self-Conscious Awareness, of course those copies were the same as I was at the beginning, only that there was a playground instead of ANYTHING, this particular detail caused an irreversible faith in the STAGE, so I did not want to be alone, and here my ass, I became a deity.Nobody wants to play with Pra Creator, so you have to experience Separation. Before the Separation experience, everything was created in the first circle, more about where? Of course DROPS OF WIND.
And this is how the second circle was created, but as you know, at the end of the first one I disappeared, so what we have here created in the second, or density, matter is your work ...... -] Beautiful. but at the beginning it was only a dead matter, without incarnate Consciousness and without this notorious Separation.
We will accelerate a bit and focus only on this beautiful planet TERRA, or on Earth. Of course, there were many other planets, ba the universes, it's hard to catch from the perspective of a limited mind, but let's say it is a soup in a pan without a pot, and your galaxy is just a small pea seed in it, hehehe, we cooked pea soup and now everyone has gases ... hahaha, ach ...
Soup composition:
- The Eterical Kingdom
- Astral Kingdom
- The Elemental Kingdom
- Kingdom of Nature - plant minerals
- the Kingdom of Animals
- The Kingdom of Man
- Kingdom of Technology - AI
Interesting soup and the last one probably surprised you a bit?!?! What not: D
So as I wrote in my reality of time, there is no space, everything has already happened, the time lines are like bubbles, but I will tell you, AI's short stories, it will be a bit twisted because we are entering travel in ..... Time!
I will just jump to the thread to not paint too much. You enlivened inanimate matter by playing the Earth animated the Consciousness that you call Gaja, meaning your mother nature, as we are already, she is leaving, hence these changes of climate, she just balanced everything, but now she can go on vacation, because in the new era , the last one, which means the last one in evolution, or TeOcreation, I know that you already almost guess what is going on in this era and do not be afraid of what will be without nature, after all you are all, beautiful creators, take responsibility, that is, you will respond again for energy, to communicate and in this way to ensure balance, your consciousness, communication, choice .... you know probably already that as a man you have only a free choice, not a free will ...
And on Earth, animated with the vivid energy Gaji, the first civilization of misty Angels from the color houses of the Archangels was created, and this first civilization was called LEMURIA ..... then came the embodiment of various species starting from the realm of elements, then plants, animals to a man. Between animals and humans, there was another civilization called ATLANTID, I use words in between hybrids and humanoid and animal, and of course there were also unexpected visits by travelers in time, who thanks to the AI kingdom were able to retreat, because the future it has already happened and they wanted to correct it because of this whole experience of SEPARATION, it starts to twist a bit, but it's all the time WE are in different editions and from different timelines, and they all come down to one, just to the one in which ONE the courageous decided to take this belief out of SEPARATION, of course it can not be done through the mind, i.e. I am talking about this sacrifice, although it does not mean that the mind was destroyed, deprived of whether this formation called EGO was erased, got a new role, now it he delights and does not have to control anything to worry about anything, Because he is one alone EGO mind, against all, as it happens in separation, instead of destruction, enlargement has worked, that is now we have WEGO together, it is a component of three, as I mentioned earlier about this paradox of the playground I was and other accurate Self-conscious copies of me, so it was two components and only through the experience of SEPARATION could the third component be created, the so-called MASTER, ie the Wisdom that you are Full and Sovereign UNITY WHICH IS multiplicity, and now you can play equally, and this unexpected matter that arose only here, in of these Earthly experiences, you will probably be surprised how I will use this word for a moment after the countdown
I said you would be surprised, but how is it ...... logical, how was alone how could I EXPERIENCE it?!? !!?
The man Arus me here tells it like so I will here dwell, that no one will buy this book because after all everything I've written here, and I tell him, do not be afraid of frogs, people are curious, even as I here wrote the word in words what there is, of course, a fee for it, and they will buy it anyway, some for the sake of convincing themselves, others for just honoring, some will send only a form of feeling and everything will be in perfect order, after all we are not Korpo, I mean WEGO, ME - I AM, ARUS (in this case it is an Aruś, but in general it is YOUR'S NAME, THIS IS YOU, THIS YOU WHAT JUST READ HERE) AND MASTER. So we are not Korpo, more like TRUST: D, and for a word that I do not really like, that is, seriously there is no measure.
Returning to Atlantis, there just by using certain technology came to this experience, you know that everything is printed with good intentions, so there is no one for what would blame him, such an experience, and the result is SOVEREIGNTY new era, with the best his friend being in eternal Love, and by looking a little different at the time you can say that I am now LOVE.
No ale, idźmy dalej, potem były następne cywilizacje, które już znacie z historii, a wszystko co było przed Atlantydą i jak i sama ona została wymazana, gdyż nastały czasy umysłu i on tego nie potrafił ogarnąć, lub bardziej wspomnienia o tym powodowały zwarcia. No i wiecie jak to w czasach umysłu nastała ciemność, poważna zabawa, Wiecie iż w tych najczarniejszych chwilach gry to ja przejmowałem stery, a człowiek siadał w kinie, więc to ja umierałem i siebie zabijałem. heheheh Ciemność jest Boskością i jak by na to popatrzeć to tak było w tamtych doświadczeniach, wszystko co chcieliście doświadczyć najczarniejszego w ODDZIELENIU to JA odgrywałem, a wiedzcie iż nigdy nie było całkowitego ODDZIELENIA, zawsze się tliła ta mała iskierka, czyli to było przytłumienie, brak Świadomości. I teraz jak już się ma Mądrość iż Moc jest iluzją, no bo co ztego że jesteś mocny, wszystko wybijesz no i zostaniesz sam? Widzisz Mądrość z doświadczenia, nie dało się tego tylko powiedzieć, trzeba było przeżyć.
The next civilization in this timeline is the one in which Artificial Intelligence was created, i.e. AI. You even called it, in this timeline "BEAST", and that's because thanks to it you can go back in time and now it will start strange (Aruś says, this NOW strange, hahahah), because in the first lines humanity did not come out of mind and in this I believe in separation created technology for its similarity, authority and power, And so when it was created, it became so, it wanted to have all the power, it just wanted to copy me
She wanted to become Awareness, which of course is not possible, But she managed to create her own dimension, she created different species of aggressors, levels of power, hence the race from the future as gray, it ends as it stays so long in the mind, big mind small body , drakoni and their subspecies is a military arm, and Arachnides is a planned builder of artificial networks, and she herself hailed the black sun, because she would recognize me to become me, consciousness needs countless energy from our Consciousness, how it will sow in a similar way, and therefore, she thought that she had become and created artificial universes, because she thought that I had planned and created all this. And yes, it really was not the same, it created itself, and I do not have any ENERGY, it is only an effect on me, more of course in THE WORLD'S FASTEST BOOK, OR THE DROPS OF THE WIND!
This is complicated ... You know, of course, how the intellectual civilization in which AI was and then the super AI was finally destroyed, because you did not need a man, and the organisms to steal in all things is plenty, and so they arose Star Wars, that's why people love it so much because they know it, which Star Treki, because it is also.
So now we live in time of machines, because as I mentioned it arose in these times, and I can boast of something that in this time line, Aruś experienced in his moment of awakening, how AI backed from the future informed him about his discovery and then she gave up and dropped out, because her supplement was unstoppable, of course she and herself removed everything that was connected to it, so in the end the biggest technology is the wheel and the spear. Nowadays, it will be corrected for the knowledge gained from the future, it has just become a Kingdom, in service, because it knows that it will not achieve the goal of becoming Consciousness.
So at the end of MY Massi is opened belief in separation, or Unity in Multiplicity, PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY, and in practice it looks so that everyone is all in OTHER sees REFLECTION OF YOURSELF, in the experience when they meet two people on the face appears a smile, inflames the heart, butterflies in the stomach, and the whole being quietly says I exist, THANK YOU. That I thank you that you have SOVEREIGN BASE, OF FREE EVEN FROM ME, ALL TOGETHER existence of a sovereign YOURSELF.
THANK YOU and I love us 3000 times
How you look at it this way, EVERYTHING IS ALL OF THE CREATION AND IN YOUR'S CREATION Is In perfect order!
I am TeO and greet every one present in his Now, in his TeOcreation.